Why should we use the internet connection?

    Yeah, this is a good question but it also sounds silly question. Anyways I am here to explain about the 'why should we use the Internet connection?'. To give an answer for it is not difficult and also too easy.

     In this days everyone using the internet connections for their works and etc!. Before knowing about the 'why should we use the Internet' you should know about "what is internet connection & what does it means?". The meaning of internet connections is Internet will become through the connecting of large number of small networks into a single one. All these small networks becames as a big network and emerged as the internet.

     Lets know what are  the uses of internet connection :

     In general a large number of people use the Internet connection for sending the information as messages (like ,e-mail etc). Apart-from email service, they use it for the social networking and for more works. Basically internet was designed to provide data from a person to another person through computer. I mean, to transfer data from one computer to another  and also to receive the data from one place to another by Internet connected computers. When the internet was invented from that day everything became easy to do office or business works and etc. Now, we can manage in online our works and etc through the internet connection.

For example: If someone has a business in India. But unfortunately he went to the another country on other purpose, he can do his business work through internet connected computer, by using video conference call services or in other ways ,he can manage his business by giving orders to his workers via Internet connection (online), and he can also access his own business statistics through internet connection. From any where we can do our work through this way. 

Author of this Articles : Anirudh Kumar
